1st December Yippee!!....NOT!

By R.J

Well it is officially the 1 st of December. The last month of the year. This year sure has passed by so fast … I am officially not a student anymore … DARN! Time to work … bummer and yippee at the same time.

The trains of thoughts still keep crashing into my mind … still have a whole load of things to sort out and plan. So many things to do so little time. It kind of sucks sometimes, tapi thats life right...nothing is perfect. Health wise...it has been downside for me I guess since I got back. Lungs taking time getting use to the polluted atmosphere again while my eye allergy is driving me nuts! Damn pollution!!

Tomorrow (2nd Dec) will be the 4th month that I officially quit doing something. 4 months! Hah! first time it has lasted this long...though temptations to do it again seems to be rising every since I got back to Malaysia. Will I do it again remains a question. Who knows ...

Wah..yesterday after so long Michele (Lee) called me up. What an interesting conversation we had... girl you gave me a shock tadi... but hope you sort stuff out and find out soon :D.

I am going to clean the hall a bit... kind of messy with all the novels scattered on the floor plus Dong Dong and Kissy occupying the main sofa which are loaded with my pillows hahaha. Nice and comfy then can read!

The site I usually load my songs have gone .. hmmm...wonky! But Thanks to Kyels for helping out.

2113 Dieses musik ist besonders fur dich!!

(excuse my german... my grammar sucks )

Kelly Clarkson- Before Your Love


1 comment so far.

  1. The Pondering Introvert Montag, Dezember 04, 2006 3:17:00 PM
    eyes again? :s

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