He forgot how to Exit!

By R.J
Was reading the news on BBC News online [while the Star paper screams for attention] when I came across an article and video that I couldn't resists. Call me evil... but I am no fan of the guy. He's such a nutcase. He sure knows how to embarrass himself. Anyway click here to view the video of the Usa president. Current scoreboard reads..China 1 ; Bush 0. So much for a quick escape!* Grins*
Check out his facial expression...sah macam monyet... Actually monyet lagi comel.

2 comments so far.

  1. Shane Mittwoch, November 23, 2005 1:22:00 PM
    not being a fan doesn't mean your evil, it means you have a brain ;) like the blog, thanks for the comment on mine..oo u gots a flickr account,w00t flickr!
  2. R.J Mittwoch, November 23, 2005 3:34:00 PM
    Thanks for dropping by Shane. Havent updated my flickr account in ages. More photos on the way.

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