
Category: , By R.J
Have you ever gone through life thinking about certain issues that you knew you shouldnt? These particular train of thoughts invaded my mind since I was 9 years old and it just refused to go away. No matter what I do or how hard I try, it will always be at the back of my mind. What is it? The truth about who I am. Stephanie you will know what I am talking about... since you used to fill me up with stories that the paternal aunt used to share. Not many knew that I knew. It was funny having this secret that the whole world knew and tried not to let me know when there I was hiding from them, the fact that I knew about the issue. LOL. A few people, whom I thought as close friends knew about it. Do these close friends know the final outcome? hahaha nope since those so called close friends decided to misuse the meaning of friendship for personal gains. So adios off they went off the friendship list. Anyways, no matter what, the begining is the same, nothing will ever change it. The outcome though was interesting. I know more now than I need to. It hurt to finally hear the truth and see it for real, but at the end of the day it matters not (or so I try to tell myself) because these things make us who we are and what we are. The past we cannot change, but the future we can!

On to other matters, I have finally quit the telemarketing part time job that I was doing since I got back last year. Just was not worth it anymore. So basically am a couch potato now. A busy couch potato though hahaha. Been transfering all my files from my pc to my gmail account. Trust me, it isnt an easy feat with all the journals etc that I have stacked up on this old laptop. Finally going to trade in this bonkers laptop with fucked up usbs ports and drivers for a new laptop! Courtesy of dad as my graduation present. Hahahah pays to graduate with really good greats! Loading my stuff to my email hasnt been an easy feat like I said, even though Im using broadband. As we all know there are still some sites that are slow in loading due to the earthquake in Taiwan something back that distrupted the underground cables. I still have like 5 huge files to load... and thanks to uploading site megaupload, I can upload stuff that are 100mbs - 500 mbs without hassle, but a bit lembap! hahaha.

Tomorrow, I will be returning to my dads place in PD. For a couple of days. And just when time to go back, Ms.RJ has to go catch a blasted flu! I have been sneezing my brains off since I woke up this morning. I dont dare count the rolls that I have used blowing my nose. I should be in bed this moment, but like I said there are still 5 huge files to upload. Have to do it here since I dont know if the internet at dads has been fixed.

There is something wrong with my template that I have to fix. Cant use all those signs without them coming out like symbols! So excuse my english with no apostrophe etc.

I have to go to bed soon I guess, or I will be late in arriving in PD. Planning to take the 1100 am bus so ETA in Pd would be 0100pm. Will be back in KL by the 20th though as mom and the old convent girls of moms high school are treating the special people at the IJ Convent to makan-makan. Must be there to help out and grab some great shots!

Ciao for now.

5 comments so far.

  1. Anonym Samstag, Januar 13, 2007 1:44:00 AM
    They don't know who I am too.
  2. Anonym Samstag, Januar 13, 2007 10:41:00 AM
    I never was very good with the whole secret keeping thing, yet i continue to be deluged with them. Oh, well, nyam nyam.
  3. R.J Samstag, Januar 13, 2007 5:09:00 PM
    Kyels...dear...:). It aint really about what we talked about yesterday :).hahaha
  4. R.J Samstag, Januar 13, 2007 5:11:00 PM
    Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
  5. R.J Samstag, Januar 13, 2007 5:11:00 PM
    Steph, hahahha I KNOW. But didnt make much of a difference since I already knew. hehehe.

    And Stop nyam nyam-ing on my blog! Go downstairs and raid the kitchen!

Something to say?