Die einsame Rose

Category: , By R.J
Just been messing around with photoshop and came out with this outcome. I really suck at photoshop so trying to learn things up slowly.

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The above picture was actually taken while I was on Hols in Switz. But you gotta love photoshop when it can make them look good!

Random Party Pics Part 1

Category: , , By R.J
Living in the Lake District makes each of us hold parties so often to avoid boredom. hahaha. Sides it's the only time we get to socialize properly with fellow colleagues etc. Gonna post them randomly though. Kind of lazy to post on gadgets for now....maybe in the next post.

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The Boyz
(Vinni, David, Stuart & Edison)

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Lily, David & I

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Claudia & I
(This girl likes to carry everyone)

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Ed & I
(Adikku yang Gila)


Bowness-on-Windermere Pictures Part 1

Category: , , By R.J
Just going to post some random pictures from the Bowness area here in Windermere where I am currently living. Not really good pictures esp since I forgot to lower the ISO settings on the camera and didn't realise it. So here are some "noisy" photos.

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The Belsfield Hotel, Windermere
(My Work place)

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Lake Windermere & The "Ugly" Duckling

I know I've got a zillion photos of Swans but just can't help it. Still keep snapping them. Which means expect a lot more photos of Swans hahaha.

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Sang Tupai
(I knew I saw something moving)


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Oh boy what a day I had. A lazy day that is hehehe. I just love my off days as it's the only days I get to be lazy and sleep in as late as I want to. Not that late though today coz Shane woke me up hahaha.... but then I dozed back to sleep the minute we hung up. Woke up slightly after 12pm showered bla bla bla and met Angela and we went walking around this Bowness area. Now even though I'm away from my favourite hang out spots like Coffee Ceans and Starbucks, thank goodness there's still Costa Coffee which seems quite popular here in the Cumbrian area. But it's limited to coffee, tea and choco drinks with only a few selections of Ice-blended drinks but as long the coffee is there RJ is all smiles ^_^". Will post the pictures taken today soon. Though they are not of good "quality" as ding dong RJ forgot to reduce the ISO setting on her camera after messing around with the settings! So I've got tons of photos that have a large amount of noise in them =( .

Hmmm time for RJ to buy more shoes. Shall I get another NIKE?? or ADIDAS?? hmmm. I love the NIKE shoes that mom got for me for my birthday in August hehehe (I picked she paid ^_^). Well Kyels was there to help me pick hehehe.. Eh budak got use the vouchers or not?? Don't let them go to waste.

OK I should go to bed since it's already like 0245hrs here in UK and I have yet to decide if I wanna join Grp A to go to Liverpool or Grp B to Kendal. Hmmm!! Zzzzzzzzzzz Toodles for now. Zzzzz

Elektronische Gadgets Part 1

Category: , , , , By R.J
I'm off !!! ^_^. Which is good can sleep in late hehe. Been on early shifts for the past week which is great because the day seems to go by much faster (at work) and since it's been a "quite" week I'm glad to be on the early shift.

Anyways this post is going to be on gadgets that I own. Unless many girls out there, I am more interested in electronical gadgets rather than fashion. Now don't get me wrong, I still spend a large amount of my cash shopping on cloths, shoes etc but I spend more on these gadgets hehehe.

So what have I purchased so far? If you're thinking of an Ipod...sadly nope. Still have not got to that yet *sigh* hahaha maybe for my Xmas present hehehe. Below are part 1 of the gadgets that I have here with me in the UK.

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My Very Own PSP Slim ^_^

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My PSP Slim & The old O2XdaII
(kidnapped the O2 frm daddy =p)

Oh yea bought a new gadget a few days ago!! Still trying to get use to it though...way too many functions compared to those I had in the past. What did I get? Well part of it is visible in the previous "Tick Tock Tick Tock" post.

Tick Tock time for RJ to Zzzz

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Tick Tock Tick Tock

Finally got my photoshop to work again!! after so long but thanks to Doruk its all up and running again. Work was tiring today... not because of the work load but due to the behaviour of certain individuals that were so disrespectful and hurtful to the employees in the hotel. There was this english lady who came to check out and all of a sudden started yelling at my fellow collegue macam-macam. She kept going an English hotel should employ english staff etc etc. Kesian my collegue. Tapi perempuan tu ish melebih lebih, I was so close to raising my voice and also my hands to slap her face! konon english tapi when writing the comment card for my GM can't even spell "unbearable" properly instead jadi I quote "unberable" etc etc SUCH A MORON!! You would think that a developed country would at least have more civilized citizens, but sadly in the UK there are still a lot of racism going around.

Hey fellow Malaysians if you think Malaysia is on the teruk side, wait till you get here. At least transportation in Malaysia is still ok, here always got problems on their public transportation. Guess Margaret Thatcher invested too much in the airports here rather than on the most used rail and road systems. Being here for only 2 months makes me think living in KL is way better as no matter what our public transportations are still ok and a whole lot cheaper than here. It's much cheaper flying to Switzerland (about 30 pounds with easy jet) than travelling to London with the dang railline which costs much much more than 30quids.

Ok I'm starting jump from topic to topic....a sign that RJ is "Müde" or shall I say "Fatigué".
so of to bed for me.... gotta rise and shine early for work. YAWN!!!!!!


Short update + Tag

Category: , , , , , By R.J
Well I guess it's about time I updated my blog. I would be lying if I said i didn't have the time to update....just somehow lost the motivation to write. There are some things that no matter how one wishes to express will forever remain in the dark due to the nature of the whole agenda.

Anyways life in the UK is great actually...though not as great as originally planned due to some unforeseen incident. ..but the pay here beats what I'll earn in Malaysia. But one thing that doesn't seem to change to matter which country you're in.... Staff mealls for those working in the hotel line SUCKS!!! hahaha bet many of you would agree. Suprising how "chefs" can actually create dishes that are sometimes just....well let's just say even Jackie would just look the other way. Sometimes I feel I can cook better... and those of you who really know me...will know I CAN'T COOK!!! =p

People here where I am are friendly. But doubt I'll ever get use to the fact that people behind the counters in stores say, " Hi love how are you? See you love" SO WEIRD!!! They are very friendly that well you know seperti biasa... kalau too nice kenalah berjaga-jaga. I've been here for like 2months now and still trying to get used to the Cumbrian accent which can be really hard to understand as it's very heavy similiar to the Scottish accent and being RJ yang pekak badak,,, sometimes I will be like, "I beg your pardon?? etc etc" you get the picture.

Talking about RJ... I can't go by that nickname here because my general manager's initials are that too and that's what everyone refers to him. But I kind of feel calling him RJ hahah so I just go "Mr.J" hehehe. Imagine me calling my managers back in Msia with just their initials...sure kena sound!

On to a totally different topic. Life has taken a very different direction for me. Something that I didn't expect to happen in the near future happened. Well that's life...certain things will always remain out of our hands no matter how we plan or wish them to happen it just will not. How I wish I could believe what I just said, but I would be lying if I said that I've accepted what has totally happened... because I still wish that it didn't and things would change. Anyways lately I've been living my life is totally unacceptable and not me at all. It's like I'm actually outside of my body looking down on my life and trying to change but just impossible.

anyways I'm gonna quit here. Head loaded on all sorts of medication just ain't thinking straight anymore. Sides there is much to be said but non- for the pubic eye at the moment.

Oh yea got tagged by my biatchy cuz Steph...so here you go!


Each blogger must post these rules first.

Each blogger answers the assigned questions.

Bloggers that are tagged need to answer the assigned questions in their own blogs.

At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Have you ever...

Taken a picture completely naked?

Hell Ya…. But that was 20 odd years ago…dang I’m old.

Made out with a friend on your MySpace/Facebook page?

No… why make out there when you can do it live? Hahah jk

Danced in front of your mirror naked?


Told a lie?

Gotta agree with Steph on this. Lies not lie.

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?

Who hasn’t?

Been arrested?

I may be a dare devil…but I ain’t stupid.

Made out with someone of the same sex?

Getting super wet licks from my dogs count? Hahaha jk.

Seen someone die?

A lot of ppl… Ojiji a,k,a granddad. And a whole lot of random ppl (bad part of growing up in a hotel)

Slept in until 5pm?

5pm? Hahaha again got to agree with Steph…5pm is nothing.

Had sex at work?


Fallen asleep at work/school?

Hahahaha at school YES!!

Held a snake?


Ran a red light?

La la la shhh.

Been suspended from school?

Nope ….detention also nope. But then again works well being from the family I’m in hehe.

Totaled your car in an accident?

Nope…the worst I’ve done was scrape the car against the gate.

Pole danced?

Can’t dance…ini lagi pole dance.



Been fired from a job?


Sang karaoke?

As a kid

Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?

Who hasn’t?

Laughed until a drink came out your nose?


Caught a snowflake on your tongue?

Yes hehehe

Kissed in the rain?


Sang in the shower?


Given your private parts a nickname?


Ever gone out without underwear?


Sat on a roof top?


Played chicken?

Played chicken?? Err no

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

Nope… my friends don’t dare hahah

Broken a bone?

Thank Goodness….NO

Mooned/flashed someone?

Hohoho Maybe

Shaved your head?

Thinking Of it hahaha jk

Slept naked?

Yes…..what don’t tell me you haven’t ?? *shocked* haha

Played a prank on someone?


Had a gym membership?


Felt like killing someone?


Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?

Sadly Yes. L

Cried over someone you were in love with?


Had sex more than 10 times in one day?

10 times in one day?? Nah

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?


Been in a band?


Subscribed to Maxim?


Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol?

Yes. ….hey Steph…. We drink too much don’t we. Hahah jk

Shot a gun?

Toy gun at funfairs hahah

Had sex today?


Played strip poker?


Tripped on mushrooms?


Donated Blood?


Video taped yourself having sex?

Maybe hahaha jk.

Eaten alligator meat?


Ever jump out of an airplane?


Have you been to more than 10 countries?


Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend?


Do you have mixed feelings about your mother?


Have your parents ever seen you naked?

Long Long time ago…when Rj was a kiddo haha

Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

I would love to be invisible but I would say I’d rather be able to fly.

If the only way you could save your best friend from death would be to hold your breath for 5 minutes once every hour for the rest of your life, would you do it?

  1. Has it been more than a month since you washed your jeans?
  2. Do you consider yourself a spoilt child?

HOI STEPH...BANYAK QUESTIONS SIUT!!! There Better not complain now that I don't do your tags.

I am gonna break the rule...not gonna tag anyone... so whoever feels like doing please feel free... just leave me a link to the tag so i can read hehhe

Sail Away

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Sail Away

Hari ini benda yang tak ku ingini telah berlaku. Apalah dayaku untuk menghentikannyer daripada berlaku. Semuanyer sudah ditakdirkan oleh Yang MAHA KUASA di atas. Kita ditakdirkan untuk mengharungi segala suka and duka di dalam kehidupan kita.

Adakahku mempunyai kekuatan untuk mengharunginyer, time will only tell. Anyways... hari baru, hidup baru mulai esok. Akan ke UK.... gonna bury myself with work to forget everything...it's the best way to cope.

Amy Search - Tiada Lagi ( No More/ Longer)


Le Swan

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"Ugly Ducklings"

Been around the lake area again today. And as usual I love taking pictures of the swans here. Came across a bunch of "ugly ducklings" ...i.e. lil swans. Couldn't really get to close to them as their 'parents' made sure we kept our distance.

Sure gonna miss this place again when I leave for the UK on Sunday. Just sitting by the lake and looking at the swans is very relaxing.

Today was good...a lazy day but not bad since I'm here to relax before heading back to the working life. So yea did run some errands before heading to IHTTI to meet up with Dr.Senior, Dr.Cameron, Mr. Coetzer etc for a bit of chit-chat...and set a tea "date" with Dr.Cameron for tomorrow evening hehe.

27mins more to go before I head off to the Neuchâtel La Gare to meet up with Hien. Time to go get ready.

Dolphania signing off....*clik*


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Sunrise over Switzerland

What a tiring week I've had...from getting all my visa and preps done for UK as well as spending 3 days in Sabah for bro's engagement to leaving Malaysia 2 days later on the 21st. Yes you read right, I'm no longer in Malaysia but I'm still not in UK yet. So where am I? in Neuchatel Switzerland of course. Spending a few days here recovering and resting before heading off to the UK on the 26th.

The flight to Switz was alrite I would say since the meds from the doc literally knocked me out for 90% of the flight!! Woke up just in time to enjoy the sunrise...and it was so pretty I had to bring my camera out and snap here and there. Couldn't get a really nice clear pic. Anyways landed in Switz yesterday and have been walking around this little place Neuchatel where I used to study before. It's so beautiful in summer but kinda chilly. From our (regina and me) walks, we saw so many beautiful flowers and I fell in love with a couple of huge roses. Below is 1 pic of it. Doesn't really show how big it is though.

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Yellow Rose

Don't You just love summer!!! ^_^
Anyways off to bed....soooo SLEEPY LA!!! the cuaca so cold like having aircond on the whole day and so nice to sleep!! hehehe


What's Your Inner Gender?

Category: By R.J
Just before I head off to bed... decided to do a little quizy. So my inner gender is female? hahahaha Oops looks like RJ is more girlie than she thought hahahaha.

You Inner Gender is Female

You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you.
You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations.
You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves.
You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female.

Hahahaha I like this line.... " You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female"
heavens knows my dressing style aint girlie.... hahahaha
So what's your inner gender???


Sleepless Ðôlphania

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It's 0352hrs and somehow the sandman seems to have forgotten me on his rounds. I'm up and about sorting stuff out and planning certain things. I've finally got my reply from UK....the permits on its way to my home here by UPS. Now the only thing is the flight ticket which is becoming a problem as most flights are fully booked till the beginning of September. I've managed to book a seat on Malaysian Airlines on the 21st of August to Zurich. Yea yea I know it's on my birthday but no choice. And from there grab the train up to Manchester (after lepaking in Switz for a few days). But am still working on other flights and I'm on the waiting list for Swiss Air (do pray that works out) as then I don't have to spend so much on my flight as its considered as a stop over (transit) flight even though I chill at Switz for a couple of days. Plus the flight from Zurich to Manchester will only be 1 hour rather than the 10hour train ride **Eeeks**.

Once the permit comes over I've got to break it to dad. Can't keep him in the dark any longer. I feel bad doing it this way, but knowing dad, it's better to only inform him once everything is done and permit all has been received and approved. Bro broke something to me a few days ago, that he wanted me down in PD to help with one of the family business as the current tenants are leaving. I've waited my whole life for this chance to actually be active in the family business, but the timing is so wrong as I can't back out from UK as the deal has been signed. So I'm going to go ahead, and continue with the UK plan for 1 year and who knows I may gain all the knowledge I need there to help the family later on.

Holy smokes less than a month to go before I leave. So many things to do, so little time. Just before I leave, will be heading down to Sabah with the entire family. Reason? hahaha wait la I will post the pictures for all to see. Can't wait actually, not only for the real reason of going to Sabah, but also because I haven't been to Sabah yet. Sadly there are many places in the country that I've yet to visit. Soon soon...gonna tarik Kyels, Kris and Hien with me when I do hahahaha.
Gonna stop for now...need to get back to sorting out my laptop...it's so messy!!

Oh yea leaving you guys with this song... hahaha somehow when I sent one of my best friend to the departure gate this exact line was playing " So bye-bye, miss american pie"... but my dear friend decided to change it to So bye-bye, miss Switz pie hahahaha. Love this song though...it's got a catchy tune. Well Ðôlphania swimming off for now.

American Pie by Don McLean


Hugh Grant - Don't Write Me Off Just Yet

Category: , , , , By R.J
Fur Dich. Ich weiß, daß das Lied nicht nett ist, aber die Lyriken ist sinnvoll. In meiner sprache...ACK!! (I hope I got that translated correctly)

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It’s never been easy for me
To find words to go along, with a melody
But this time there’s actually something, on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines

Since I’ve met you, my whole life has changed
It’s not just my furniture, you’ve rearranged
I was living in the past, but somehow you’ve brought me back
And I haven’t felt like this since before Frankie said relax

And while I know, based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I’m asking you, is don’t write me off, just yet

For years I’ve been telling myself, the same old story
That I’m happy to live off my so called, former glories
But you’ve given me a reason, to take another chance
Now I need you, despite the fact, that you’ve killed all my plants

And though I know, I’ve already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I’m asking you, is don’t write me off, just yet
Don’t write me off just yet

The lyrics are funny at some part but most of all the main point is there. We all make mistakes, some more than others. Sadlly I fall into the 'more' category. I blame if on my past but I can't continue doing so for the rest of my life now can I. So time to let go on the past and make what I have now work before I loose the most important person in my life. If you're reading this...."Don’t write me off just yet".
See you soon!!!

Capek Bangat!

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Peaceful Living in Switzerland with Friends

So many things have occurred since I last blogged. It’s left me all drained out physically…. a sign indicating how badly I need to get back into shape. Have been super duper busy with work since we had been running at 100% occupancy for 2 nights and 90% above for the rest of the week. Working the afternoon shift during this high occupancy period is super exhausting and stressful especially when the guests’ room preferences cannot be fulfilled. Besides that, the front office staffs are the people that always have to ‘kena’ even though other departments screws up.

On top of the hotel being super busy, they had to go plan the upselling training during this period. So yea yours truly finished work at 2330hrs on the 11th and reported back to work at 1000hrs to 2330hours on the 12th. And they decided to push my offday back from Friday all the way to Sunday as they had lack of staff on the 13th afternoon. Personally I had no probs…but my body was crying out. It’s been pushed to the limits for the past 2 weeks. Anyways now I’m resting and soon in August I will be resting for 2 weeks before heading off to UK (depending how long it takes to get my permit done).

Oh yea… I’ve finally submitted by resignation letter. Submitted it on the 10th actually and my last day was suppose to be on the 20th, but the front office manager Ms.B. has asked me to stay till the end of the month. I agreed due to a few reasons, first because I kind of feel bad leaving them short handed like…since another staff resigned last week and also because I want to claim my upsell money (hehehehe it’s a nice sum of cash to be pushed aside).

My bro gave me very good news today…regarding my dad. I’m so happy and proud of my daddy. He deserves it especially for all he’s done and contributed to the society in PD. So what is it?? Hehehehe wait la …after the 19th I shall reveal. I just hope I can somehow squeeze out of work to go for it.

Another good news ….. mom is finally coming back from her 2 weeks work /escape to Hawaii. Both Jackie and I have missed her!!


A guy at work pissed me off big time a couple of days ago. Why? Simple… his comments were so dick orientated that I just felt like slapping the shit out of him. What is it with guys against girls pursuing their dreams in higher education?? He told me, there is no need/ point for a girl to study so high as later very hard to find a hubby. When asked him why he responded by saying that yea la where got guy want to marry someone who has higher education than him. It’s not good for the guys ego. To this he kena cha from me. Why should a girl kow-tau down to a guy? A girl can live without a guy. Besides if its true love, why on earth should education come into the picture?? Funny how guys find it not a problem to marry a rich girl but has problems if the girl has higher education than him. So fucking dick lead man!! I cha-ed the fellow back kow kow. Most likely he and another collegue going to kena cha from me maximum before I leave. Guys can be such fucktards!!!

To you if you do happened to read this blog…please please fucking grow up and start acting like a guy not a sissy who leads life with ridiculous ideas!! And STOP LETTING YOUR DICK RULE UR LIFE!!!

List of Chores To Be Done Today:

  1. Sweep the Whole house
  2. Mop the Whole house
  3. Bath Jackie
  4. Remove my pile of cloths back into my room
  5. Take the car for a drive (need to get it warmed up again since I haven’t driven Night at Bangsar heheeh)

Damn I miss the peaceful life I had in Switzerland!!


Hiên's Visit to Malaysia: Part 1

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Aloha KL

Slightly over a week ago, before I could recover from surprise #1, I got another surprise from a dear friend of mine. So what is this second surprise?? She appeared out of nowhere hehehe... well actually she flew in from Switzerland unannounced and got Kyels to play along and keep it a secret. Kyels I'm never gonna take you seriously man!! hahaha. So yea about 9 days ago I said Aloha to a close friend and tomorrow I will be saying Aloha again to her :(. But since that day, we've had a busy schedule that has made me feel much much better about certain issues.

We've been around KL, visiting the KL Towers, going bonkers eating, driving around KL at 04oohrs before finally returning home early in the morning and napping. Dinning at KLCC, Bangsar etc etc.

So who did I say Aloha to?? hehehe....well in is Ms. Hiên deciding to give us all heart attacks! hehehe.

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ên @ Aloha KL

But then again I think I got back both at Hiên and Kyels with little heart attacks a couple of times with my driving last night hehehe. What to do, haven't driven for eons... so was a bit rusty. Plus having someones hand suddenly directing me out of the blue doesn't really help either hahahaha. JK. ^_^".

Gawd, I haven't pigged out so much but that's what I've been doing lately. What can I say Great company or well.... 'gila company' hehehe.

Pigging out at O'Briens in KLCC to dining at Frankfurt House in Bangsar and getting high before the alcohol is ordered in Chillis KLCC ^_^ had been great!!

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All Day Irish @ O'Briens

All in all, someone has fallen in love.... with our Teh Tarik a.k.a "pulled tea" as she calls it. Lol.

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Crimes by Damien Rice

Off to bed now. Have to work esok...


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IM SUPER DUPER SHOCKED but at the same time FLOATING IN CLOUD 9 ^_^.

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Kyels thank you so much dude!!! You to Kris!!. You guys rock!! But Kyels... kurang asam make me worried like dunno what. Dang girl you can win academy award liao!!!

Love Moves in Mysterious Ways by MYMP NINA


Sunset Relaxation

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What do you know, without realizing 6months has almost passed since we started this year. It started out pretty quite and slow but it picked up once I started working in March and many things have occurred both happy and sad but that's life right, we can't just have all the good things happening to us... we always need some downs to balance it out. One of the good things happened 13months ago and till now it's still ongoing. What is it?? Got la! hehehe. Let's just say "its" been a pillar of my strength and motivation to do a whole load of stuff.

This month I've found myself barely holding on. Was busy planning for certain things etc and the sudden death of my aunt was just too much for me. I still can't accept the fact that she's no longer with us. I've spent 24yrs of my life growing up with her staying with us (in PD). I miss her... and I miss my hometown esp the sea so much.

I drew the pic above (with the help of photoshop), coz that's where I want to be... either by the sea or by the lake like I grew up. Even in Switz, I had the lake (which was darn huge it seemed like the sea :p). I need to get some RJ time to relax, let go etc.

I've crapped enough already. Gonna go watch a couple of episodes of HEROES since I'm off tomorrow.

Ahhh CAN'T WAIT till Saturday for my gift to arrive from a special someone. I'm dying to know what you sent!! ^_^"

You are Me, I am You by Dave Koz


Sux Big Time

Category: , By R.J

Going back to work somehow is not the same anymore. Losing an aunt so close to the family has taken things to a different level and as hard as I try to hide my true feelings from my colleagues, sometimes I fail. Those close to me keep asking me if I am ok though there is one dude that annoys the shit out of me by saying “Rohini smile… you having PMS or what?”. Such a fucktard. I know my work and I do it. Work and the presence of other guests helps me deal with it as I put them first when at work. But there are times when the entire lobby is deserted without the presence of a single guest, my emoticons creeps out onto my face. I know being in the hospitality industry, one is not suppose to bring and show personal ‘problems’ to work, but to me as long as it doesn’t appear with the presence of guests then it’s ok. Also of late, my tolerance level to certain colleagues even close ones has reduced. My reaction has been simple…. Rather than lash back at them, I’ve taken the ‘chicken’ option and just avoid spending much time with them. Not a total cut off from them, but just spending less time. It’s easier that way as blowing them off would just make working life go down the drain. Hmm… but I wonder how long I can control my temper against one colleague that doesn’t seem to know how to talk to his lady colleagues. I always dread when I see us working on the same shift. Oh well I hope to be out of here soon. Sad to say, most of the Malaysian hotels I have been in, are run by dumbarse management who somehow encourages their employees to act in annoying attitudes just so they can get their fill of office news.

Anyways I’m out of here. Let those losers remain being losers as long as they quit getting on my nerves. I for one won’t be held responsible for my actions if I meletup (not a pretty sight when I do).

-The End-

Btw...wo bist du??

Hard To Bid Someone Farewell for Good

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Heaven Calls

It’s the 7th of June, I’m 7 days delayed from my original plan to start blogging again. So many things have happened since I last blogged.

Just recently I’ve lost a dear Aunt. Things are no longer the same knowing that she’s no longer with us physically. I grew up getting use to her presence with us since she was with us from way before I was born and she lived in the hotel with us. She was also part of the bridge that enabled me to still be in contact with dad after we moved from PD.

The heartbreaking news came on Saturday when dad called me at work. Heartbroken and with tears rolling down my face I had requested to leave work. The managers couldn’t do much but let me leave. Believe it or not, but that day, even the heavens were crying. Gaban picked me up from work, rushed into the house grabbed whatever cloths I could, feed Jackie, scattered the floor with newspaper and dashed off to PD. I’ve never seen dad cry and I swear to God I never want to see him shed a tear again! The whole funeral ceremony on Sunday and Monday was of a Hindu funeral. Though my aunt is Japanese (since dad’s half mixed and he’s a hindu), she requested for a Hindu funeral. Dad carried out all her wishes. Now her ashes lie below her alter in our PD house where dad and bro are till the 17th when we shall carry out her last wishes i.e. to have her ashes scattered in the deep sea. We delayed this as her sons will be coming down from Japan and it is important that they be there to bid their mother their final farewells.

Dearest Athai, though you are no longer physically with us, you shall always remain in our hearts and mind. To the heavens you have returned to be with part of your family. Knowing that the family awaits you above, puts a smile on my face. Few words I have to pen down as a lot I want to say are personal and shall I only reveal during our private talks Ne Obachan.

Con Te Partiro by Andrea Bocelli



Category: , , By R.J
1st interview tomorrow at 1100hrs (UK time) 1800hrs (Msian) ...Hope that goes on well.

Anyways this will be my last post for this month I think as I need sometime away from everything (well almost everything) to sort myself out.

I'm just way too physically and mentally drained and my health issues ain't helping.

Sick,Tired and Cranky Ðôlphania going on hiatus mode for the rest of the month.

Two more days marks a special day in my life... At least there is one person that brightens my day no matter what. THANK YOU 2113!!!! ^_^"
Ciaoz for now.

Just a Prayer Away by Jaci V.



Category: , , By R.J

My mother….what can I say about her? Way to much actually but I’m lost of words (for once I know). She’s been the best! The one that has supported me from day 1 no matter what. I have a lot to be grateful as I am blessed to have a mother that loves me and supports me with all that I do (well almost all la hehehe). Though I may not say much, but mom I LOVE YOU with all my heart and I thank God everyday for giving me a chance to call myself your daughter. Thank you for always being there ^_^.

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A Song For Mama by Boyz II Men


Der Leuchtturm

Category: , , , By R.J

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Der Leuchtturm

The lighthouse may only be another building for some but many fail to see that like the lighthouse that works as an aid for navigation and pilotage for sailors etc, we too have a living figure(s) that works the same way. My whole life I've come across people who somehow influenced or helped me along the way to become what I am today and some are still 'navigating' me silently to help me achieve my dreams. From all my personal lighthouses, only one stands tall and its light shines brighter and stronger than the rest. This special lighthouse of mine has made a tremendous impact on my life. So far all the impacts have been good, great and for the better of myself. I am not good at all at expressing this point but I think from what I just mentioned above, one can get a slight idea on what I'm trying to get at. Hmm maybe I should call this post Mein Leuchtturm instead der Leuchtturm.

Anyways that picture of the lighthouse is the lighthouse in PD. Though it's actually called the Melaka Lighthouse due to it being on the straights of Melaka. If you ever go to PD, you have to visit the place because the view is breathtaking especially during the sunset. Can't really say about sunrise as I've never made it there for that. I remember my folks taking my bro and I and some of my cousins/friends/visitors up there when we were kids. Back then there was a lot of monkeys around and well they were naughty monkeys as they like to take stuff that didn't belong to them lol. Visiting the lighthouse again after eons last August was a bit disappointing as I was hoping to take some snapshots of the monkeys but there were none at all. Guess I've got to settle with taking pics of Joey (the beruk at dad's place) for now.

Off to take a lil' nap now till my lighthouse starts to beams its light signaling its time for me to get my brains working and cracking on some educational stuff hahaha. Till then ....Tschuss!!

Kelly Clarkson - You Found Me

Ich Liebe Dich!

Alle la Switz....

Category: , , By R.J
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Unknown Calmness

Life has been great this whole week... well minus the annoying cold I have. Funny and annoying working with a flu because suddenly suddenly sure have to run to the back office and AACHOO!!! lol. Thank goodness we're running on low occupancy which enables me to run behind often if not kantoi. Dang my salary this month is going to be super duper low thanks to this low occupancy season. I bet some of you are wondering what does low occupancy have to do with our salary (well I assume ppl not in the hospitality industry will be haha). Well in short in Malaysia the payment scheme is simple for the hospitality industry. It will be Basic salary +Points. Basic salary is very low less than 1k and the points ranges from RM250 to RM450 or more depending on the hotel's policy or occupancy. The RM250 (is the lowest my hotel can pay us as per the contract). So right now we're working on our upsells as we get 10% of each upsell. Not very easy to do when you have a lot of complimentary stay guests who are well.... so kedekut. Hahaha you'd be suprise at how many guests actually ask us is the newspaper free? if yes I will take this and that. Like la the newspaper is expensive! And as far as I know no 5 Star hotel in Malaysia charges for newspaper for its hotel guests.

Moving on to a totally different topic. Have you ever missed a certain place before and the craving to go back there hits you so often? I'm missing Switzerland alot especially the lil town that I studied in....Neuchâtel. One of the things I miss greatly besides my friends and the KEBAB! ^_^" is ...du lac de Neuchâtel (Neuchâtel Lake). A place that offers such tranquility and the feeling is unforgettable esp for someone who loves the water like I do. Sitting by the lake or studying by the lake sure was nice and peaceful. I recall studying by the lake a lot thanks to the renovation noise pollution that was going on in IHTTI at that time. The lake and the restaurant up in Coop (Coop not Co-op) became our study spot. The pic above is a candid shot of the lake that I took with my battered Nokia 6680. A bit blury but I like picture.



Daddy's Alright...Hallelujah

Category: , , , , , By R.J
Nothing new except that I am exhausted. Yea Yea I know I've been saying that a lot but its true because my brains just can't seem to shut off and let me go to bed in peace! No more night graveyard shift for me this week. Now I'm back to the afternoon shift which suits me well as it allows me to wake up later than usual.

Skipped work today as I went to visit dad. He's not feeling well and had to go to the hospital. Under strict orders not to eat certain food and to take care of his health. Bronchitis thats what he got.... cronic bronchitis (at least that's what the letter said). He has got to take care to avoid getting the last stage of it which is asthma. Reasons why we're worried? My dad's 74 years old this year!! yup you read right, my dad is 74 years old.... exactly 50yrs my senior! Though he doesn't look his age! *jealousnyer* hahaha.

Ooo there's another new member in Pd...called Tora Bavaria. Bro named the new german shepherd that! hahah orang gilakan BWM what to do. Not a very cute puppy though... then again after Woofie no puppy beats her cuteness. LOL. Dang Woofie is big now and so far still a cute big headed long tongue rottweiller. Yoko is no longer with us... very short baby puppy sitting for her. Whisky is so cute as usual and I kind of feel sorry for her as now bro pays more attention to the other 2 new pups rather than her like he used to. Jackie didn't seem to pleased though when I came back smelling of 3 other dogs! *whoops* hehehe. The 4th one (Hitam a.k.a Blackie) is hiding somewhere as he always runs away when he sees the camera or my handphone *bummer* he's a smart devil. Was going to post the video on here but then have to edit and remove my voice from it as I sound so cacated on it dang!

Yesterday was a super duper tiring day for me. After working the graveyard shift which was suppose to end at 0700hrs (well ended up only leaving at 0900hrs) because 1 of the morning shift staff over slept! Had a nice hot shower that took away a bit of the angry feelings I had to a certain family member the night before and headed out to KL Sentral (which is next to my hotel) to meet a friend for breakfast. Well both of us were feeling kind of low and I don't know about you, but your company cheered me up. After breakfast we took the LRT to Masjid Jamek as I had to undergo a medical check-up for the hotel. OMG the building was so ancient!! They even had the ancient lift (like the one we had in IHTTI). The place was not at all what I expected a normal clinic to be. It was old and shocking disgusting. Well in the sense that for a hospital to have walls and ceilings with lumut (green stuff) growing on it is Ewww!! Anyways did a bit of walking in there... going up and down the stairs to each section where I needed to get tests done but the last 2 was very uncomfortable for me!! I was shocked!! but what to do *malunyer*. The last one I couldn't stop giggling or laughing ...the dang lung test was something I could not do. After having a very uncomfortable time at that clinic we took the STAR to Bandaraya and walked to Dr.Nathan's clinic. He's my dermatologist (well at least his son was). First thing was I got scolding for not going there for 1 year plus (what to do was in Switz for so long ...then came back been working like mad trying to save money). Well anyways lucky I paid him a visit as my skin has gone from bad to worse and my face is all scarred up *sobs*. Also I have an infection on my legs (thanks to shaving!!) fuckeroo! Suprisingly another close friend has the same problem but hers is of a much much serious level where she is not allowed to shave her legs anymore! Mine should recover in a month or so(at least that's what the doc said). And if I am unlucky and the scars are still there then I will have to undergo some laser treatment which I am SOOO NOT looking forward to as it costs like a freaking RM500!! Anyways after that which took hours of waiting we finally headed down to KLCC for lunch. After a quick lunch and purchase of a couple of items and not to mention catching the Summer Collection Fashion Show for G2000 and Marks and Spencers we parted ways and I reached home at 17oohours!! (5hours short of 24hours) since I last slept! Oh yea at KLCC got this indian dude that kept following us after the G2000 show...Freaky wei!! But dang would have loved to see you kick him! hahaha but we did the right thing and just ignored the loser. Hey dear THX for being a great friend... truly appreciate n' cherish it ^_^".

Anyways was scanning through some old photos of mine and came across this candid shot taken by Lily during an accounting class. Hahahah RJ so engrossed in her work (or shall I say so lost):S. Dang I miss those good old days.

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Right after this photo was taken, I remember ditching the whole accounting thing and started cam-whoring with Edda (on my left) and Lily hahaha. Mei Mei (on my right) would have killed me if I disturbed her during class for such nonsense so decided to leave her out of it. ^_^". Man I was so fat back then. Eh what am I rambling about...I STILL AM FAT!!! SHOOTS!!! RJ has to seriously go on a diet... but then I'm addicted to food! How?

Okies back to on9 chatting with someone before I get slaughtered for ignoring hehe. Hoi A2113 this song goes out to you ^_^". Sayang you!! hehehe. (gila already)

Loving You by Minnie Riperton

No one else can make me feel, the colours that you bring...

p/s: 2113 Ich liebe das Lied 'Summer Wine'. Danke Schon Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Choco Delight

Category: , , , By R.J
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YAWN!!! I feel like I can sleep for days on end... but sadly that's now how my body operates...bummer. I can only get in like a max of 2 or 3hours of sleep before I wake up. Darn sleeping disorder. Work has been alright but super tiring as the hotel's running at 100% occupancy. And at times we're like running around like a headless chicken trying to get all our work done. Don't even have time to go online like I used to like when I used to during my last night shift duty last month.

Since last night, I've been having this sudden craving of fruits dipped in choco... don't ask me why but the craving is there. Last time I ate it was hmm in August when Hien came down to Malaysia....eh no it was during the Fête des Vendanges (wine Fest) in Neuchâtel. Wish got ppl delivery chocs to me when I work so I can gobble em down...*keep dreaming RJ*

Ok..can't stand already...need to get some shut eyes soon.

Video below is from one of my all-time favourite animation... Brother Bear. Both the movies (BB 1&2) has really nice soundtracks. Anyways the video below is for 2113 ;). Cheers!!

RJ signing off *beep* Zzzzzzzzzzzz

To Sleep or Not.

Category: , , , By R.J
The bed seems to be crying for me but yet I'm here online updating my blog. Somehow though working the graveyard shift last night I'm still wide awake (well at least my brains are) unlike the rest of my body. Jackie's staring at me and drooling as I munch away on cookies and sip my tea. Then again Jackie always drools when she sees food! hahaha.

Well the forms for UK goes in tomorrow. Finally! So hopefully the rest works out well. So close yet so far. As much as I want to go to UK for the 1 year work experience (heck I've been wanting to do so as a kid!), I'm am sure going to miss the staff at my current work place. They made me feel so at home and made working in the FO very nice (minus a couple of psychotic guests).

All of sudden, I'm finding myself kerinduan the good ol times back in Switzerland. The company i had etc is very different to the ones I have now. Of late I'm finding myself getting closer to a few people whom I would never in my life imagine I would share so much. But they make life more interesting than ever. You guys know who you are so I ain't gonna mention any names. But no matter what there are certain people in life that we meet and click and no matter what or how far the distance, the friendship only grows stronger. Dang I miss you guys!! and I miss life in Switzerland.

@#*#*!! my Streamyx got cut!! Dang dah la bill wasn't sent and then they cut! cis!! So now stuck with dial up till we pay the bill (well mom's gonna do it later) since I'm gonna hit the sack soon. :p. LEMBAPNYER DIAL-UP!!!!

Anyways I'm off to bed, looks like sandman has finally done his rounds. 1023hrs and Rj is gonna go snooze for a couple of hours. But I leave with 2 photos. One with a dear friend who will be heading off to UK too and the other of a place that I find incredible if anyone can study in as Leysin to me = holiday environment :p. Opps I suddenly feel like reading a novel hmm... to fight sleep and read the novel or sleep. Let's see which one wins once I snuggle up on my bed with the novel haha. **lembapnyer to load a pic*.

Lily & I cam-whoring up in Leysin ^_^"
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Leysin (view from my balcony)
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The place is beautiful when the mist doesn't hide its beauty!
but a tad too depressing when it comes to studying (at least for me)

Anh Tú-Cuoc Tinh Xa

p/s: Will be posting random photos as I go along. That's the only way I'm going to post most of my Switz pics.
p/s2: Both Pics are unedited Xcept for the borders and my signature.

Rojak Post

Category: , , , By R.J
This post as the title indicates is going to be an update on the happenings that have taken place since the last post.

To all those who prayed for my friend C, I am forever grateful. Your prayers was heard by the Almighty and my friend is not only out of the danger zone and ICU but on the road to recovery ^_^". Now I just hope that the injuries sustained does not effect her physically especially her since she got stabbed in the kidney area. Once again those of you who offered prayers for her THANK YOU!! May God shower you with blessings!.

On to another note, I finally signed with the hotel I was working with since 1st of March and am now on 3months probation before becoming a permanent staff. Hehehe doubt that will happen because I plan to hand in my resignation letter before my 3months are up and fly to UK (if all works out). I am finally starting to enjoy my work mainly as now (well since last week), I have my own password to the OPERA PMS system. What the big deal you may ask? hahahah big! very big!! because now I can finally do check out and cashiering hahaha. Money money come to me!! (sadly cannot keep for myself) hahaha. So now next up is receiving the daily float which will enable me to totally handle all related cash issues that come my way. Though it also increases the headaches as money issues = headaches. Already a fellow new colleague has to pay the hotel back RM600 due to not charging the guest on certain things. Billing procedures at the hotel is a bit complicated due to improper routing systems done at times by the rsvn ppl and also due to accounts with Travel agents etc. So far RJ has not made any mistakes except missing a guest wake up call once (*touch wood* hope nothing does happen). oh yea now I am no longer known as a casual staff but as a Guest Experience Executive!! (hahaha title only nice... but its actually only the first level at the front desk).

Wah yesterday was such a torture for me at work. We had massive check out of 3 groups with over 250rooms and a busy check-in process as well as many of the rooms were not ready in time. On top of all that, I was in pain. Why? My backache came back on Saturday night. It came back with a blast that I wasn't ready to deal with. It prevented me from standing straight yesterday leaving me a bit hunched during my whole working period and of all days I to work a 10hour day shift yesterday thanks to my Rooms Division Manager. But work had to go on right, so there I was doing my work as usual, happily chatting with guests while checking them in/out but inside suffering unbearably the pain! I am only 24 23+ this year and already having so many probs sigh. But what to do, had to to that rock climbing thingy in 2002. Minus the injured back, the whole experience was unforgettable! Given the chance I would 100% go rock climbing again! hehehe.

Thought I could have a nice restful off day today but had to go to the hotel for HR issues in relation to no longer being a casual staff!! hahaha. Had my picture taken for the staff card, issued locker key access and opened a new bank account. Only thing pending now is visiting the docs.

Ever since yesterday, I have been craving to jump into the pool for a nice good swimming session. I need to start again and build up my stamina like I used to. Doubt I could complete 10 laps now. But swimming has to be put on hold for the time being. Hopefully next week when I'm doing the graveyard shift again I can get some good laps in during the day. Dang I wished I had a pool or access to the pool like I used to back in PD. I missed being able to jump into the sea or heading off to the Yatch Club in PD whenever I felt like it. Though I love life in KL alot sometimes I miss the good ol days back in PD.

Oh craps, I've got to go for another medical check up. This time it has to be done by the panel doctor that the hotel deals with. Crapo Crap! I hate having needles poked into me and I have to do it again!! *sobs sobs*. Anybody wanna teman me go ah?? Why la someone not here, if not at least not so tensed. Talking about someone... have you ever missed someone so much that sometimes you just don't know how to get over it. It has happened to me before but I would have to say meeting this someone has changed my life a lot. It has made me stronger than I was before on dealing with a lot of issues. No words can express how grateful/thankful I am for having cross paths with you ^_^".

Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler

Ok Time to go cook rice :( momma making noise already!

p/s: I'm thinking of taking up tennis. Should I? Always wanted to but never really had the chance.

*RJ lari-ing lintang pukang to the kitchen!!* :p

** Edited @ 2127 hrs**
Kena tag by Bananas Julee (hehehe true ryt coz u love banana emoticons). Well here it goes...

10 Things You Didnt Know About Me.
  1. I hate the Msian Hospitality Industry (or shall I say the mentality of most senior managers)

  2. I am no longer addicted to alcohol and cig.

  3. I have a tiny dent mark on my forhead thanks to being dropped by the maid when I was 2yrs old :(.

  4. I wanted to be a doctor as a kid and was given a real stethoscope by my doctor relatives.

  5. I still plan to carry the title Dr. one day, but not related in the medical line haha.

  6. I have sleeping disorder. hmm maybe this point you know haha. I crack my knuckles!

  7. I have super duper sensitive skin.

  8. I am liking my job very much!

  9. I was addicted to Junk food as a kid.

  10. I am in love with someone. hehehe (don't ask me who coz I will never tell!)


Prayer Needed

By R.J
To all those who do read my blog and this post… please pray for my colleague C who is currently in the ICU. Your prayers are much appreciated and as He once said, where two or three are gathered in His name there He will always be.


Fucking fucktards!!! Hope you guys fucking rot in hell!! Couldn’t you have just taken the money and left her alone!!!.... instead of stabbing her right in the kidney!! Fucking Fucktards!!! AARGH!!! What goes around comes around…. Hope you get it 100times more!!

I want more Hols!!!

Category: , , By R.J
Craps!! I've had 4 days of holidays to relax and I didn't!! How smart is that?? Dang me for taking the hols during this Easter period to relax! Friday was exceptionally fun and relaxing (a very much needed social day), Saturday nothing much except mom wouldn't let me sleep in peace and at night was of course the Holy Saturday / Easter Eve Mass and since I had plans to meet Intan on Monday here in KL, I decided Sunday would be all mine. That was before Au.Leona had to go call and invite us for lunch and she had cooked fish curry! hahaha. I am not a fan of fish curry but her fish curry is the best I've had and well that was it...I was up and ready in record time hahaha. Oh boy I think I gained a few extra kilos yesterday as I gobbled down so many fishy fish and nasi hahaha *grins*. Today of course was spent with a dear friend Intan who stopped by here in Msia for 1 night from Switzerland before proceeding back to Indonesia. Wah never walked so much since I came back!! Now my legs all have no feelings and soaking in hot water didn't seem to do the trick :(. Waaaa!! I so don't want to wear heels tomorrow... but sadly I can only whine on that matter as no matter how I pray for wish, wearing heel tomorrow at work is a must! Though I think I will stick to wearing my Hush Puppies court shoes tomorrow and only start wearing the new heely court shoes I bought on Wednesday.

Talking about shoes, I've finally got a new pair of sneakers courtesy of mom ^_^". Plus I ended up buying 2 T-shirts from Giordano ... Black T-shirts much to moms' disapproval hahaha. Today was interestingly tiring yet massively fun. It brought back good ol' memories from the old days back in IHTTI. Sure sounds like I left IHTTI eons ago rather than 6 months ago hehehe. But memories with Intan I would say go back to my second year in IHTTI where we were kaki gossip, kaki makan and also kaki clubbing and minum! hahaha. But, 1 pair of sneakers, 2 t-shirts, 1 unmissable Starbucks Coffee, 1 super massively yummy pork rib lunch etc later, my feet have no feeling what so ever!! hahaha. Though my tummy is very happy of being well fed today, my wallet is crying! hahaha and I'm staring to ramble!

Oh yea today my cousin niece (well my cousin Shanti's daughter who is much much older than me hehe) Leila added & messaged me on msn!! Bet you're wondering what's great about it right. Well nothing except I haven't seen nor spoken to her since I was 7!! (since that is when she came down to Msia...and when she finally came down again last year I was in Switzerland). But thanks Bro for giving out my e-mail add without informing me beforehand so there I was going... I quote,"Hi there....may I know who you are?". aduh buat malu je asking my cousin that hahaha.

Okies my rambling tak tentu pasal is a sign for me to slowly go hit the pillows... but dang today is Monday which means CSI back to back hahaha. Off for now. Time to Zzz if I'm want to be sober and in the right state of mind for work tomorrow morning. ~Toodles~

Only Love by Trademark

Goodnight! Yawn...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Happy Easter

Category: , , , By R.J
Mass yesterday was interesting, interestingly long that is.... hahaha (mom sure will kill me if she ever reads this). At one point of the mass, there was a letter read, something I didn't fancy as they mentioned about the muslims and how religion is forced onto them and also how we should stand up to such injustice (@ least that's how I translated it). Anyways, that message masuk one ear and out the other, as its up to the Muslims if they want to be oppressed by the government that's up to them. It has nothing to do with us Christians.

Anyways, this lil' entry was meant for a lil' greeting. So here it goes...

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The bunny in the pic was my easter bunny choc that I bought last year in Neuchatel. The eyes a bit senget coz it got placed directly next to the heaty light by accident. We only gobbled it up 3 months after Easter as I got attached to it guarding the room from up above the book shelf since March 06. hehe. There is a video of it being slaughtered somewhere in my external hard drive. May load it up sometime. I want more Chocolate Bunnies!!!

My Redeemer Lives by Hillsongs

Wishing You Were Here....Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The Day Before Easter . . .

Category: , , , By R.J
Currently Reading: Tom Clancy's Op-Center (Balance of Power)
Currently Background Music: Nil (since cartoon is playing on the TV) :p
Currently Munching: Chewing Gum

Great! It is my off day and I am up before 0700hrs!! How great is that!! NOT!! Still kind of zombified but then again with Easter just a day away, this 4 days of leave that I took wont really matter (rest wise) :p. Only this Easter I wish someone was here to join in the celebrations.

As mentioned in the previous post, I mentioned about following a friend to chop chop her already short hair hehehe took some photos of her but then wei your hair bila tak wax up also cun wo. Melepak the whole day with Kyels(Spikey Boiboi) and Dylan (Mr.Caramel). But towards the end hati berdebar debar. Why? Hahahaha first time meeting Julee (Hamsup Banana) *grins*, a fellow blogger and chat pal either on the phone of msn. But like meeting Kyels for the first time it was fun. Hahaha apparently meeting up with 'gila-ish' ppl like them is super fun and one can forget about being shy hahaha. Had a blast yesterday, thanks guys!

Mom wasn't too happy yesterday, as I arrived at the church 15mins late (just in time for the Gospel reading). Since it was the gospel reading, I decided to stand at the other side of the church till it was over to run over to mom as she had saved me a place. Oh oh wrong choice. Reason? There was a drunkard fella there. It wasn't obvious until he started asking me which page the Gospel which I told him (still not so obvious) until he started asking in a loud voice who is the priest and when he got his answer he went ...I quote, " OH that old man, He is still alive huh. He baptist me when I was a kid' Wah so loud liao everyone in that section turned and looked!! Malu sialan (that's when I got the strong alcohol smell from him).Anyways he kept ranting and those standing nearby decided to move away and I ran to the main door and right after the Gospel was over I ran to my mummy (hehehe that sounds so wrong, like I'm a lil' kid!) hahaha. Poor fool that guy was but have to say drunk as he is he still has the sense to come to church (one step at a time I guess).

Mass was as usual and I was happy I was able to attend the Good Friday service as I had missed the Maundy Thursday service due to work. That's one thing about the hotel industry where we work shifts, it almost impossible to get leave etc and I am lucky I managed to snagged this 4 days off (starting from yesterday all the way to Monday) ^_^". Will be going for the Holy Saturday mass with mom later (it's more of a 2-in one mass: Holy Saturday and Easter). I miss spending Easter with my crazy cuzs, well 1 crazy the other a bit blur hehehe *evil grin* (yea Steph miss the Easters we use to share eons ago. Hahah the only 2 mangkuks that won't sleep the whole night and popek until granny comes and nags at us. Hey cuzzy don't finish the whole bottle of wine this year like you used to :p).

Back to the Easter topic. Somehow Easter this year is not as appealing to me as last year. Reason for so is its just gonna be mom and I since we are not going back to gramms place in Batu Pahat as mom has a course in her school today. Last year's celebration was simple but memorable as I spent it with my darling friends back in Switzerland. We attended mass there (Mei, Regina and I) and well though was a bit lost when the sermon was in French but the songs though in French has the same tune like our English praise and worship songs back here and are easy to sing along. After mass the rest of the gang (well quater of the gang :p) had gone to Café du Théâtre to chill, drink and chat. Simple but memorable. Dang I miss you guys! Below are some of the pictures of us chilling with our drinks @ Café du Théâtre in Neuchâtel.

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Mei Mei a.k.a Doraemon

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Embak Yanni

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This one I Dont know who hehehe

Okies I know this is doodoo but I am going to crawl back into bed and cuddle up since it is nice and cold hehe. Well at least till someone wakes up again ^_^".

I Love You Baby by Frankie Valli

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