Der Leuchtturm

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Der Leuchtturm

The lighthouse may only be another building for some but many fail to see that like the lighthouse that works as an aid for navigation and pilotage for sailors etc, we too have a living figure(s) that works the same way. My whole life I've come across people who somehow influenced or helped me along the way to become what I am today and some are still 'navigating' me silently to help me achieve my dreams. From all my personal lighthouses, only one stands tall and its light shines brighter and stronger than the rest. This special lighthouse of mine has made a tremendous impact on my life. So far all the impacts have been good, great and for the better of myself. I am not good at all at expressing this point but I think from what I just mentioned above, one can get a slight idea on what I'm trying to get at. Hmm maybe I should call this post Mein Leuchtturm instead der Leuchtturm.

Anyways that picture of the lighthouse is the lighthouse in PD. Though it's actually called the Melaka Lighthouse due to it being on the straights of Melaka. If you ever go to PD, you have to visit the place because the view is breathtaking especially during the sunset. Can't really say about sunrise as I've never made it there for that. I remember my folks taking my bro and I and some of my cousins/friends/visitors up there when we were kids. Back then there was a lot of monkeys around and well they were naughty monkeys as they like to take stuff that didn't belong to them lol. Visiting the lighthouse again after eons last August was a bit disappointing as I was hoping to take some snapshots of the monkeys but there were none at all. Guess I've got to settle with taking pics of Joey (the beruk at dad's place) for now.

Off to take a lil' nap now till my lighthouse starts to beams its light signaling its time for me to get my brains working and cracking on some educational stuff hahaha. Till then ....Tschuss!!

Kelly Clarkson - You Found Me

Ich Liebe Dich!

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonym Donnerstag, Mai 10, 2007 7:22:00 PM
    Cool picture.

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