Le Swan

Category: , , By R.J
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"Ugly Ducklings"

Been around the lake area again today. And as usual I love taking pictures of the swans here. Came across a bunch of "ugly ducklings" ...i.e. lil swans. Couldn't really get to close to them as their 'parents' made sure we kept our distance.

Sure gonna miss this place again when I leave for the UK on Sunday. Just sitting by the lake and looking at the swans is very relaxing.

Today was good...a lazy day but not bad since I'm here to relax before heading back to the working life. So yea did run some errands before heading to IHTTI to meet up with Dr.Senior, Dr.Cameron, Mr. Coetzer etc for a bit of chit-chat...and set a tea "date" with Dr.Cameron for tomorrow evening hehe.

27mins more to go before I head off to the Neuchâtel La Gare to meet up with Hien. Time to go get ready.

Dolphania signing off....*clik*

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonym Samstag, August 25, 2007 10:27:00 AM
    Ugly ducklings will turn beautiful in the end.


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