Paint Brush
I keep my paintbrush with me,
wherever I may go,
In case I need to cover up
So that the real me doesn't show
I'm afraid to show you me;
I'm afraid of what you'll do,
I'm afraid you'll laugh or say mean things;
afraid I might lose you.
I'd like to remove all the layers,
to show you the real,true me,
But I want you to try and understand;
I need you to like what you see.
So if you'll be patient and close your eyes,
I'll remove my cloths real slow,
Please understand how much it hurts,
to let the real me show.
Now that my coats are stripped off,
I feel naked, bare and cold,
And if you still find me pleasing,
You are my friend, PURE AS GOLD.
I need to save my paintbrush though,
and hold it in my hand,
I need to keep it handy in case someone doesn't understand.
So please protect me, my dear friend,
and thanks for loving me true.
And please let me keep my paintbrush with me,
Until I love me, too.
I also struggled with showing ppl the real me. I still do sometimes. It get's a little easier as you get older I think. At some point you do have to realise that ^&(%$ them. I am me. Take me or leave me. It sounds really harsh, and I'm not someone that comes across that way when you meet me, but more and more I realise it. Just be yourself. Be who you want to be. There are so many ppl in the world and you can't please them all. The more you are who who are the more you will draw the right people (the people that are worth enough to be yourself with) towards you I think. You may also push some ppl away I think, but "you can't please them all", it's impossible. Ah well. That's just what I think. All the best to you.
reveal who you really are to those you really trust. it's only then when you will discover who your true companions are: those who still love you in spite of who you are.
i love you, cuz. whoever it is you may be.