More Photos less words from now on

Category: , , , , By R.J
Reading my last post, clearly indicates that I have lost the motivation to write a decent post. Therefore I shall be taking a lil break from writing in this blog and just stick to posting photos for the time being. First photo will be the fridge of one of the managers here at the Belsfield Hotel. Her place is also our party pad... where lots of hanky panky tends to take place hahahah jk.

Hehehe party night again tonight. Thank goodness I'm off esok. A normal day out would result in this much alcohol being consumed. This was only 5 of us out that day.

Drinking round 3 -_-"



2 comments so far.

  1. Anonym Mittwoch, Juli 30, 2008 1:20:00 AM
    Drink more, get drunk more.

  2. R.J Sonntag, August 10, 2008 6:23:00 AM
    dun want... no "Happy Pill" to take with it hahaha.

Something to say?