Short update + Tag

Category: , , , , , By R.J
Well I guess it's about time I updated my blog. I would be lying if I said i didn't have the time to update....just somehow lost the motivation to write. There are some things that no matter how one wishes to express will forever remain in the dark due to the nature of the whole agenda.

Anyways life in the UK is great actually...though not as great as originally planned due to some unforeseen incident. ..but the pay here beats what I'll earn in Malaysia. But one thing that doesn't seem to change to matter which country you're in.... Staff mealls for those working in the hotel line SUCKS!!! hahaha bet many of you would agree. Suprising how "chefs" can actually create dishes that are sometimes just....well let's just say even Jackie would just look the other way. Sometimes I feel I can cook better... and those of you who really know me...will know I CAN'T COOK!!! =p

People here where I am are friendly. But doubt I'll ever get use to the fact that people behind the counters in stores say, " Hi love how are you? See you love" SO WEIRD!!! They are very friendly that well you know seperti biasa... kalau too nice kenalah berjaga-jaga. I've been here for like 2months now and still trying to get used to the Cumbrian accent which can be really hard to understand as it's very heavy similiar to the Scottish accent and being RJ yang pekak badak,,, sometimes I will be like, "I beg your pardon?? etc etc" you get the picture.

Talking about RJ... I can't go by that nickname here because my general manager's initials are that too and that's what everyone refers to him. But I kind of feel calling him RJ hahah so I just go "Mr.J" hehehe. Imagine me calling my managers back in Msia with just their initials...sure kena sound!

On to a totally different topic. Life has taken a very different direction for me. Something that I didn't expect to happen in the near future happened. Well that's life...certain things will always remain out of our hands no matter how we plan or wish them to happen it just will not. How I wish I could believe what I just said, but I would be lying if I said that I've accepted what has totally happened... because I still wish that it didn't and things would change. Anyways lately I've been living my life is totally unacceptable and not me at all. It's like I'm actually outside of my body looking down on my life and trying to change but just impossible.

anyways I'm gonna quit here. Head loaded on all sorts of medication just ain't thinking straight anymore. Sides there is much to be said but non- for the pubic eye at the moment.

Oh yea got tagged by my biatchy cuz here you go!


Each blogger must post these rules first.

Each blogger answers the assigned questions.

Bloggers that are tagged need to answer the assigned questions in their own blogs.

At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Have you ever...

Taken a picture completely naked?

Hell Ya…. But that was 20 odd years ago…dang I’m old.

Made out with a friend on your MySpace/Facebook page?

No… why make out there when you can do it live? Hahah jk

Danced in front of your mirror naked?


Told a lie?

Gotta agree with Steph on this. Lies not lie.

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?

Who hasn’t?

Been arrested?

I may be a dare devil…but I ain’t stupid.

Made out with someone of the same sex?

Getting super wet licks from my dogs count? Hahaha jk.

Seen someone die?

A lot of ppl… Ojiji a,k,a granddad. And a whole lot of random ppl (bad part of growing up in a hotel)

Slept in until 5pm?

5pm? Hahaha again got to agree with Steph…5pm is nothing.

Had sex at work?


Fallen asleep at work/school?

Hahahaha at school YES!!

Held a snake?


Ran a red light?

La la la shhh.

Been suspended from school?

Nope ….detention also nope. But then again works well being from the family I’m in hehe.

Totaled your car in an accident?

Nope…the worst I’ve done was scrape the car against the gate.

Pole danced?

Can’t dance…ini lagi pole dance.



Been fired from a job?


Sang karaoke?

As a kid

Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?

Who hasn’t?

Laughed until a drink came out your nose?


Caught a snowflake on your tongue?

Yes hehehe

Kissed in the rain?


Sang in the shower?


Given your private parts a nickname?


Ever gone out without underwear?


Sat on a roof top?


Played chicken?

Played chicken?? Err no

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

Nope… my friends don’t dare hahah

Broken a bone?

Thank Goodness….NO

Mooned/flashed someone?

Hohoho Maybe

Shaved your head?

Thinking Of it hahaha jk

Slept naked?

Yes…..what don’t tell me you haven’t ?? *shocked* haha

Played a prank on someone?


Had a gym membership?


Felt like killing someone?


Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?

Sadly Yes. L

Cried over someone you were in love with?


Had sex more than 10 times in one day?

10 times in one day?? Nah

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?


Been in a band?


Subscribed to Maxim?


Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol?

Yes. ….hey Steph…. We drink too much don’t we. Hahah jk

Shot a gun?

Toy gun at funfairs hahah

Had sex today?


Played strip poker?


Tripped on mushrooms?


Donated Blood?


Video taped yourself having sex?

Maybe hahaha jk.

Eaten alligator meat?


Ever jump out of an airplane?


Have you been to more than 10 countries?


Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend?


Do you have mixed feelings about your mother?


Have your parents ever seen you naked?

Long Long time ago…when Rj was a kiddo haha

Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

I would love to be invisible but I would say I’d rather be able to fly.

If the only way you could save your best friend from death would be to hold your breath for 5 minutes once every hour for the rest of your life, would you do it?

  1. Has it been more than a month since you washed your jeans?
  2. Do you consider yourself a spoilt child?

HOI STEPH...BANYAK QUESTIONS SIUT!!! There Better not complain now that I don't do your tags.

I am gonna break the rule...not gonna tag anyone... so whoever feels like doing please feel free... just leave me a link to the tag so i can read hehhe

2 comments so far.

  1. Anonym Sonntag, November 04, 2007 11:37:00 AM

    Life isn't the same for anyone but we all still move on.
  2. Anonym Mittwoch, November 07, 2007 8:14:00 AM
    FYI, I'm just commenting what I think and have in mind in regards to what you said about life. Everyone has life altering issues whether we like it or not and no matter how hard it can be on a person we all still walk on.

    It's not being sarcastic or whatever but I guess you'd know that it's the truth as well. "Just Be" is easy but would be an effort to execute; it's something that everyone wants to do.

Something to say?