Weeeheeee ^_^ (no other name for this post)

Category: , By R.J
Oh Gawd what a night we had hehehe. Party last night till 4am then went to work at 3pm after being woken up my Rachel @ 1pm hehehe. Dangerous having a manager with the master key! LOL Always have to make sure I ain't sleeping in the ........err you know what hahaha.
I don't believe that 2 nights in a row we went clubbing and had sooooo much fun hahaha. Staggs was boring at first tonight... but towards the end they started playing the kind of music that we enjoyed which kind of got us in the dancing mood. So when it closed at 2am we ended up at Rachel's flat till well now 415am.... blasting music and dancing hahaha. It was fun! I guess I better get to bed now since I have to wake up in 5hours and head out to Kendal for lunch with my colleagues and a day of well ...they plan to get pissed again. Rj has to behave today because Thursday is my next dr. appointment and my physio therapy for my fucked up right arm.

Yawn.......... Rj is sleep! :D

Bon nuit!!

Kyels......Lollipop........ hahahhaha =p

1 comment so far.

  1. Kyels Mittwoch, Juni 25, 2008 12:31:00 PM


Something to say?