Travelogue January 2008- Part 1

Category: , , , , By R.J

One of the Italian Lakes - View from my Flight
(photo edited to this effect ^_^)

Travel log 1 will start with just a brief detail on where I have been, where I am and where I will be going next. As many of you already knew, I began my holidays (yes holiday again) on the 10th of January 2008 and had returned to my second home a.k.a Switzerland. What many of you didn't know that during my time here I decided to explore Rome. Hehehe I still remember my mom's expression when I called her from Rome lol. Boy was she surprised *grin*. Detailed information regarding my trip shall be posted up later on with photos. Right now I'm recovering from this trip to begin the third trip which is exploring London with Hien. Three main explorations done this trip the first being in Sankt Gallen in Switzerland, followed by Rome and on Saturday London (Weee).


4 comments so far.

  1. The Pondering Introvert Freitag, Januar 18, 2008 3:00:00 AM
    i wanted to go to st gallen but never did =.=
  2. Anonym Freitag, Januar 18, 2008 12:18:00 PM
    That's cool. Looking forward to see the photos.
  3. Anonym Samstag, Januar 19, 2008 8:41:00 PM
    I like that picture sooooooo much! Hope you had fun..=) Me dying of flu right now. =(
  4. R.J Freitag, Januar 25, 2008 8:35:00 AM
    Rugi's a very beautiful place. Small like Luzern I would say but really nice.

    thx...hoping to load em all up soon. My photoshop gila already.

    Terima kasih my skanky cousin ^_^. hows ur flu? yea i had fun. I need another holiday to recover from this one. Damn im so broke now! :(

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