Such Fools They Are!!!

Category: , , By R.J
Currently Reading: Tom Clancy's Op-Center (Balance of Power)
Current Background Music: Mira Lo Que Has Hecho en Mi by Jaci Velasquez
Currently Munching on : GigaBites Love Letters

Something happened yesterday of which the outcome was only known today. Boy am I angry about it. What on earth were they thinking playing an April Fools joke of that sort on a student that is already super stressed out with her BA course!! But Hallelujah its just a joke and not true! Wondering what on earth I am rambling about? This I cannot really share but its ok as long as my lovely friend and I understand its enough^_^".

Now I would say it was a blessing that we were busy yesterday as it prevented the my other cheeky colleagues to try their nonsense. Though some tried in vain as RJ had already prepared a mental note to ignore certain matters hehe. Thinking today would be a slightly more relaxing day at work but that thought got shattered. We were so busy until I finally left the front desk at 1130pm+ (itu pun saw a clearing and then dashed off to the back office). Boy am I super tired esp. after a not so peaceful sleep last night. Plus I realized mom loves to disturb me when I am sleeping over petty things. And even after telling her in advance not to wake me yup/disturb me today morning, she DID!! *tsk tsk tsk*. oh craps!! its 0233hours already!! where does the time disappear to??? (sadly it only disappears when I am off duty!! Cis Cilaka!*.

Oh yea on a positive note, the deposit for Uk has been paid (tapi best part application is still with me as the letter that was supposedly posted sometime back from IHTTI has not arrived :(. Once that arrives everything will be posted and lets just hope for the best!

As much as I would love to write more and add a couple of quizes here, I think I shall call it a night. so Toodles to all!

You Are My Everything

Time to hit the sack! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

psst: Thanks Victor for the cute set of emoticons!! Finally I have alot of it ^_^.

2 comments so far.

  1. The Pondering Introvert Dienstag, April 03, 2007 10:17:00 AM
    wah apa jadi .. o.O when r u leaving Msia?
  2. Julee Dienstag, April 03, 2007 10:10:00 PM
    Waaaaa... when u leaving? :(

Something to say?