Rojak Post
Hiatus mode temporarily switched off just for this post. Woaw, March sure is a month full of birthdays of close ones similar to last month. Mom celebrated her 53rd birthday on the 5th and 5 days later a close friend turned 21 with a few more to come. This year we did not do anything special for mom due to busy schedules but I know she loved it because both bro and I bought her a cake and some makan and spent sometime together. Hehehe should have seen her face when she opened the door as she only expected to see me after my work but then her son was there too. Bro paid for the secret recipe cake while I paid for the KFC bucket (dont ask me la, my bro only wanted KFC) and since mom and I had planned to get it during the weekend so hehehe a couple of days earlier wont harm anyone right? Check out the cake we got for mom. hehehe huge black forest cake sooo yummy. Even Jackie whacked her share up nicely until her food bowl so shiny *giggles*. One thing very obvious on who ordered the cake would be the smiley face on it. Sorryla, RJ can never be serious (unless it is related to work) hehe. At the end we became lazy to remove the candles as all were drooling over the cake that we had a mini avalance of candles. Plus the cake was already melting a bit.
Work is fun, in a way. Now I am transfered to the front desk and no longer at Solutions the one stop center. Yippee!! Now only if I can find someone with the time to teach me how to use the Opera system to check in and out guest so I can actually have a more challenging tasks to carry out at work rather than just do the updating of Regs cards etc. Slowly does it right. So step by step. I like the location of the hotel though, so convenient to travel using the public transports (well most of the time since our public transports are known to be unreliable at times). Ok remember how I was whining the previous posts about having to wear a skirt? Well now since I have been transfered to the front desk, its no more skirt and blouse for me but a dress!!!! yes you read correct, RJ has to wear a dress at work!!! with a blazer. *WAAAAA* Only upside is the colour of the dress is blue *giggles*. Yet to take a picture of me in this new blue uniform. Very girlie liao, and also geli hahaha.
On to another matter, someone finally turned 21, a legal age to be naughty and wild hahaha. hey babes, had a blast on Friday. Suprisingly your friends are very easy to get along with and I did not feel out of place. Though I can not say the same about Miki, but according to her she had a blast that night too. But what on earth was that panjang thingy? Sigh one panjang thingy can make us laugh so much until yours truly cannot finish her meal due to makan-ing a lot of air. LOL. This would have to be the first 21st birthday dinner I attended that did not involve any alcohol (well minus the champagne Jolin drank and the alcohol in their pastas). Picture snapped while someone busy snapping others. The picture of the ring taken from Kyels website. Erm took without her permission hehehe. Jangan Marah K *grins*. Must have been her lucky day because it was the last size left!! hahaha they knew it was your birthday kot. hehe. Friday night was a blast!! And I truly enjoyed myself. Thanks dear for the invitation , makan -makan and all the laughs.
Now a bit of negative thing, RJ is sick again. Woke up on Saturday with the worst sore throat and clogged nose one can imagine. Which resulted in the doctor putting me on 7 different types of medication that costs the same as moms birthday cake!! Yup for the first time a normal medical visit to the docs costs me MYR75! sialan betul. But bonus is I also got one day medical leave from work *grins*. But then going on MC when still new at work does not appeal at all to me, but I guess better to rest today when the occupancy is only 50% rather than tomorrow onwards as the occupancy rate will be 80% and 90% on Tuesday. I have a lot more to blog about but then just not really in the right state of mind. RJ wants to eat!! hehehe what to do, now I can not taste any food or drink thanks to being ill. Being ill RockS! (my foot!). Anyways off to pop more pills then hit the pillows and hibernate. Back to work tomorrow morning!
-Hiatus mode switched back on *click*-
Happy birthday Kyels
I guess its a gem, the celebration I mean
And thank you for the present!