A New Year

By R.J
Turned 23 about 19hours ago. Nothing new nothing special. Just spending the day doing my assignment. Interesting how from the 'party animal' I once was...now am slowly transforming into a book worm. Is that bad? I think not. Just shows that I've matured a tiny bit and now focus on the more important things in life.

Got a lil frustrated with the work earlier as this SPSS system is killing me. But Nadia's been a dear and helped me out online...so I've got the basics in my brain now...hopefully I can continue full swing from there. Took a lil break from the work and now typing here.

Oh yea...bro came over after his law class with Eswary and Sharmini. They brought me a yummylicious cake, a bracelet and a bouquet of beautiful roses..THANKS GUYS!!. Bro was a pain in the arse though...poor mama got bullied by him *hehehe*.

All my friends...THANKS FOR ALL THE GREETINGS!, SMSes!, E-CARDS!! etcetc. YOU guys ROCK!!.

Jackie's enjoying the day more than me I guess...haha because today she gets to eat all the sweet things we get hahaha. I wish I was like Jackie...eat a lot...but dont gain weight!

Over and out...time to get back to my work. 5 days to complete all.

Oh yea..ignore that stupid thing blinking under the time on the left column. Didn't know it blinks like that on D-day :s. It's just there for me to know how many days I have left till another year is added to my age.

This song is dedicated to someone close to me...someone I miss dearly...and someone who has made me want to change and be better. Thanks a LOT ^_^"

*bookworm mode switched back on* *Click*

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonym Mittwoch, August 23, 2006 9:12:00 AM
    Happy Belated Birthday!

    I saja wanna wish again. Hahaha!


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