Phone Calls etc

By R.J
My sure is day for suprises. Today my mobile has not stop ringing...from all those calls 3 were pleasant suprises you can say. Anyway the other 2 shall remain in the dark *wink*... the third call was from my cuz Charmaine... haven't heard from her in ages. I think the last time I officially talked to her was at the party at Au.Jan in August. Well it was good to hear from her.

Anyway...after a lot of thinking and also a talk with bro, I have decided to go back to PD in December to help dad out at the office. It's not going to be an easy feat considering the strain between dad and me... but it's for the best. So with that decision...then they is no longer a need for me to go to Crown Plaza [Sales Manager /F.O Asst] and Rennaisance[F.O] for the interview. Anyway it's only till March 06...then I return to Neuchatel for my BA(hons) @ IHTTI. That is if dad and I are ok at the end. So...hopefully things work out. For now am looking for an advance course in Microsoft Office...a short crash course for bro, me and maybe mom...if she decides to join.

I just love the weather cold and nice... haha guess that's a hint for snuggle dum time.

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