Layout adjusted...FINALLY!

By R.J
Finally I've gotten the layout thingy right!. The view should now be the same in both Firefox and IE. Haha I know it took me ages to get it right...but then again I'm lost when it comes to html codes so *shrugs*. Now that the problem is fixed, I've gone on changing the layout a lil bit. Below is a screen shot of it...or you can click here for a better view.
Not many changes...just the position of the sidebar and the background colour. The font colours will be decided later on...if I pick this new changes.

6 comments so far.

  1. Unknown Dienstag, November 29, 2005 8:05:00 PM
    Hey, Glad to see you finally got the layout done. But, the image you've shown there shows a black background, while your blog still shows the previous colour... Still working on the template? I beleive so...
  2. R.J Dienstag, November 29, 2005 8:16:00 PM
    yea that the black background is on a test blog. haven't made the changes here. Not until I get it 100% done. :)
    btw..which one is better ya? Am all open to comments haha.
  3. Unknown Dienstag, November 29, 2005 9:39:00 PM
    Well, Honestly, the Black Background looks much more appealing. I would vote for the Black one. I noticed you have labelled your side bar headings in French. You speak French? I went through your "Me, Myself and I" page and learned that you were in Switzerland. Still there?
  4. R.J Dienstag, November 29, 2005 11:43:00 PM
    I wish i speak french. *grin*. Nah I'm back home in Malaysia till march.
  5. Unknown Mittwoch, November 30, 2005 9:12:00 AM
    Until March... I see, well, all the best in your "Pending" B.A. (Hons)..hehehe..
  6. R.J Mittwoch, November 30, 2005 5:36:00 PM
    lol...thanks :)

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