TwO mOrE mOnThS....ArRgGhH

By R.J much so for returning to Neuchatel in January 2006. Got an email from IHTTI stating that there has been a change in our degree intake dates. So now instead of Jan its in March 2006. GREAT! another 2 more extra months of ****. Only good thing out of this is that I now have longer time preparing for my dissertation and its research.

One may think what the hell is she whinning about? She gets to stay in Malaysia for 2 more extra months (at least that's what a few peeps already told me). The answer is simple, my other friends and I had already planned to hang out with the current degree students (they were our classmates and didn't skip a term like us). So much so for that now la..since they end in early February 06.
Due to this 2 months delay, 2 of our 'kaki' now deciding to change to UK. hmmm. Sigh.

Maybe I should get a part time job rather than just laze around. Crap man they should have informed us earlier than I would have at least extended my internship at JW Marriott KL.

Oh well, am going to take a nice long shower. Time to relax now [not like I haven't been doing that for like 2 months already].

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