New Wing.

By R.J
Am still in PD. Nothing much happening here. WEnt out today like around 1500hrs to the Port Dickson Old folks home. There was this 'get together' for all the donors who donated for the ladies wing there. For as far as I can remember the old folks home was for men only, but starting from end of November or early October 2005 onwards [ after the official launching], the ladies wing will be in full operation.

Anyway during the gathering, dad gave the first speech followed by Datuk P. Dad's speech was hillarious. He really knows how to make the crowd laugh. Anyways left the old folks home slightly after 1830hrs.

The PD old folks home holds many fond memories for me. Used to go there a lot as a child. Once a month dad and mom used to 'belanja' the tenants there makan makan from Si-Rusa Inn hotel. We'd take the food to them, and then help change all their sheets etc. Once, ages ago...when I was like 6 or 7 (I Think), the members of the women's club and their children etc and the old folks home committee had done a gotong royong, change the furnitures etc. I remember assisting the others assemble the small cupboards etc...that suprisingly last till today at the men's wing. haahha... There's this old photo hanging at the 'lobby' area.... and in the front row stands....a lil small scrawny me. hahah...How small I was.

* you know why makan dinner at 530pm!. hahah.

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