
By R.J
It's 0135hrs and I'm still awake....much to moms annoyance. This past couple of weeks, I have become a 'vampire'. Awake during the nights, and sound asleep during the day. Not by wish...but lets just say I owe a very very big thank you to the medication I was on for 2 weeks. Apparently one of the side effects for the med was INSOMIA!!. Great!.
Anyway....was flipping through my autograph book. It brought back so many fond memories of both my 5 and 1/2 months in Neuchatel and also of my internship period JW Marriott KL. Of all, 3 entries made me happy and sad at the same time. Two were from Edna & switz buddies...while the other was from Kak big sister in JWMKL sales dept.
Edna had stated,"am very scared at the way a girl can drink too much". Lol...just that statement brings my memory back to the class of HM03B.... where majority of the class gets wasted during weekands. Me? sad to say...will go really broke if I intend to get drunk....which I never intend on a couple of drinks and a few shots of Tequila...I'm still dancing properly *grins*.

Lily on the other hand has been very patience with me, and very hopeful that I quit smoking. I did eventually.... malas kena nag hehehe. That led to her entry of, "Im so happy when you quit smoking". Sad to say...I have failed to keep that promise of not smoking again... but at least now it's only a puff here and there. Lily if you do read this....Sorry for breaking the promise. Someday I will quit for good...someday.

Kak Meena never lets anyone close to her heart. Somehow Miranda and I managed to do so. Sides....who can resists 2 wacky yet charming friends like us *grins*. She was my root in JWMKL, protecting me like a lil' sis...which was good...coz then the other employees dont bully me..hehe. Her phrase,"You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for", proves to me that, me being a crazy wacked girl is so blessed with friends. Reading her poetry, which she ended so nicely with, "Thank you my best friend and sister", makes me sad. Sad that as a friend and 'sister', I cannot help her with her problems. For that all I can do is be there and offer prayers.

I know this entry is very...what some may call childish thinking...but I can't be bothered.. after all it's what I'm feeling about and it's my space..but if you happen to be reading bear with me.

5 comments so far.

  1. R.J Montag, September 05, 2005 2:24:00 AM
    erm...thanks....May i know who u are tramadol?
  2. Anonym Montag, September 05, 2005 2:38:00 AM
    hey rohini u hav made a really beautiful description about u and ur pals.its realy very interesting like U.u r a wonderful person and a good friend wid whom i have really good memories.i m very lucky to hav u as a friend i wish u all the very best for now and always.
  3. Anonym Montag, September 05, 2005 2:47:00 AM

    Nice post.

    Makes me think back and reminisce.. Hehe. Keep it up!

  4. R.J Montag, September 05, 2005 2:47:00 AM
    Thank you Harry. Miss you and the other switz gang sooo much. Cant wait to see you all in Jan when i return.
  5. Anonym Dienstag, September 06, 2005 3:19:00 AM

Something to say?